Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Headband Hanger

When K was a baby, her aunt made her this adorable bow hanger: 

It worked fine for most of her bows, but unfortunately we had no way to keep her many, many headbands together. I tried (photo above) to fold over the ends of the ribbons and secure them with bows. Unfortunately, a) she has more headbands and b) as soon as she wanted one of those bows, the whole thing fell apart. 

Since we love the hanger, I wanted to do something that would enhance its usefulness, without being a permanent change (just in case I screwed it up royally). So I went to my ribbon stash and found a pretty good match for the existing green polka dots! 

Option 1 was to put a third strip between the other two. This seems like a more natural fix, since the ribbons aren't exactly the same. Unfortunately, it also means the headbands will be covering the left and right ribbons. 

Option 2 is to add the new ribbon in front of the original. The ribbons wouldn't match, but it would leave more space for hanging headbands. 

I got started looping the ribbon, using hot glue to hold the headband loops in place, and figured I'd make the decision between option 1 and 2 once all was said and done. 

In the end I went with... option 1. It seemed like the easiest way to attach the ribbon without making a permanent change. Just a little hot glue to the back...

And here is the finished product! I may change my mind in the future about the 3 ribbons, but for now at least her headband collection has a home!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Bit of Polish

We've had a problem recently. With hair brushes. 

K hates to have her hair brushed or combed in any way. Unfortunately, curly hair left to its own devices tends to become dreadlocks if you don't get a brush through it now and again. I blame this for the reason that brushes keep managing to disappear in our house (she swears that she's not hiding them)... 

So when I went on a new brush run earlier, I thought I'd try something to make hers a little more personal - maybe it will stay around longer.

I was afraid to use my paint pens, since I was pretty sure it would chip off. When I was a kid, my mom wrote my name on everything in nail polish. So why shouldn't I try the same? I looked up a My Little Pony font and copied it onto her brush with some purple polish (and glittery top coat). I did try some paint pen highlights to clean up the edges. With a leaky pen, leaving it alone might have been a better idea, but here's the finished product: 

She loved it, and wanted to make one for me. Unfortunately, my new brush is black - so I gave her my old brush (the gel handle is leaking) and some sharpies. Here's her masterpiece - she wanted to point to our name for the picture: 

I guess now that means I can't get rid of my old brush, either... 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Since last time...

Hey, guess what takes up a lot of time when you could be writing blog posts?

Getting married... honeymooning... moving in together... holidays... busy season at work...

... but since I don't really have that many readers, I guess it doesn't matter that I've skipped a few (or 6 months).

I'm finally starting to settle back in to regular life, so hopefully I'll be back here soon!