Monday, June 29, 2015


I feel a little erratic, looking at what's posted on here - it's like hooray! boo! exciting excitement yay! AAAAGGGHHH!

But I also think that's consistent with someone who is buying a house and getting married and oh yeah decided a puppy would be a fun addition to the mix. Most of my life feels a little hooray! boo! exciting excitement yay! AAAGGGHHH!

Today's AAAGGGHHH - the inspection is tomorrow afternoon. I am deeply afraid the house is going to fall down. Or that the ensuing appraisal will fail. Or that the other shoe will drop, in general.

Crossing fingers.

Friday, June 26, 2015


I love reading home improvement and family blogs, I have for years. My friends and I laugh when we catch ourselves referring to the decisions of John and Sherry (RIP YoungHouseLove) or Katie and Jeremy like they are people we know personally.

Part of realizing I am not Sherry Petersik is what led us to buy a home that needs less TLC than Justin's current home. I love watching people put a room together board by board. I don't love spending my weekends doing home improvement work. This is something I now know and have accepted about myself.

That being said - I was reading the most recent post on Bower Power and followed a link to an older post about paint schemes. She had painted rooms haphazardly as they were completed, and now had a hodgepodge of paint colors to keep track of. Since we haven't lifted a brush in this new house yet, I thought it would be a good idea to pick a few basic colors we'll stick to throughout the process. I actually like many of her colors as a starting off point.

The top row is meant to be wall colors, the bottom is accents. Perhaps this is where I'll start my planning as well.  It's based around Justin's favorite, gray, with several of my favorite bluey-greens. Since our house is currently a beige-y taupe, we need to shift the color palette towards gray while also recognizing that there are things like brown-based tile to deal with.

Stay tuned for updates!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Today's "mood board"

So I know it's a stretch to call these mood boards, but I like to get a visual for what I'm hoping the room to resemble.

Here's the upstairs bathroom now:

Again with my sketchy use of the Behr ColorSmart website (there were no bathrooms that resemble anything like a normal bathroom, so I fudged it with a mud room):

My goal is to bridge the beige tile with the gray we're planning on painting the house. I think I'll use blues and teals (which are my favorite anyway) for the rooms where we can't get away from brown tones. The color here is majestic blue. The curtain is the closest I can find to one I got at Target. It's pretty close, but it's a window curtain instead of shower. I don't know why they haven't posted the new collection on their website yet.

I like the way the white pops on the dark blue, so I might switch out the mirror for one with a white frame. I love that this one has a shelf!
We'll also have to find a towel storage option. I'm a fan of hooks over the door, which I've already got in place at my current apartment, so I'll just have to see if we can make it work for a family of 3.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Fun Part!

So I'm overselling it a little, but I do think this is kind of the fun part of buying a house.

1. No problems yet - we haven't had the inspection, so I can't worry about whether the ___ is going to collapse or explode or ... whatever else could go wrong in a house. 
2. I haven't spent any money yet (earnest money aside, but I'll get that "back")
3. Now I get to draw floor plans and pick colors!

I'm going to do this in a mood board rollout, because I think that sounds fun and it's my blog and there's probably no one else reading this anyway.

So this is our bedroom now:

And this is how I envision it:

This is our bedding set, superimposed on one of those online color-picker things. This happens to be Behr Nile River.

Our bedroom has wainscoting, which I find totally appropriate. Right now the walls and wainscoting are painted the same beige color, but we’re taking it back to the more traditional white. The furniture is a hand me down from my aunt, and at some point (SOON) we'll have to build a closet. Because this house, while big and gorgeous, has closets about 1 feet deep, max. No hanging rods or anything. That might be the first project I hand over to mom when she comes to visit. ;-)

Friday, June 19, 2015

A Change in Plans

So on Monday we looked at a lovely, well-kept, craftsman-style home. On Tuesday we made an offer, counteroffers happened Wednesday, and by Thursday... it was clear this was not going to be our new home:

While we were waiting for the (ultimately disappointing) counter offer, I found this house:

It had just gone on the market that day. It was 700 square feet larger, for 20% less - a few blocks away, but facing a busier road (hence the price break). Everything that concerned us about the first house (small bedrooms, and only 3 of them) was solved in spades in this house - we could make 7 massive bedrooms and still have living space if we wanted. And what we loved about the other house (old house charm and lots of "introvert spaces") were still there.

So yesterday we made an offer. Today they accepted it. Now the roller coaster begins!

Thursday, June 18, 2015


I have a dear friend who is also facing some autoimmune challenges.

To be fair, she's been handling her health challenges gracefully for far longer than I. With this unfortunate head start, she also has a few unique insights for pain management - that don't conflict with my NSAID pain relievers.

Recently she recommended peppermint oil.

I have had various friends use / sell oils for years now with mixed results. Some swear by it, others haven't seen a big difference. They're not cheap, so I held off. But with my most recent flare, I was desperate for some relief. I knew they sold oils at my chiropractor, so I was in luck. I bought a vial after my appointment yesterday and tipped a little on to the offending right pointer finger.

The pain went away. Immediately.

To be fair, I'm in the midst of a huge flare and still woke up this morning sore in just about every muscle and joint. Reapplying the oil today helped, but didn't take away all of the pain. I am so grateful, though, for a new trick in my arsenal.

Everything I read about Rheumatoid Arthritis is so doom and gloom. I know that these blogs and message boards are a way for people with RA to commiserate and validate the way they feel, but what I really want is to find a community like the one my friend Liz has for "girls with IBD and ostomies inspiring one another" (Girls with Guts) - a place where I can get tips like this, or celebrate the strong days, without constant stories of how I'll be in a wheelchair by 40.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


There is a lot going on in my head right now.
In the past, the best way to sort it out has been to write / blog about it, and since many of the things going on in my life will be of interest to at least one other person (hi, mom!) - I've decided to put it up here.

Currently taking up space in my brain / stealing my sleep:

New house.
We put an offer on a house last night. I'll know by 5 pm whether they've accepted the offer. I am anxious about this. The house is pretty awesome, but there are always pros and cons between one house and the other. Since we placed an offer within 24 hours of seeing it (and within 4 days of meeting our realtor), things seem to be going pretty quickly.

I am also mentally decorating the house in my sleep. So there's that.

(honeymoon / parties)
Hey, I'm getting married in 115 days! Between now and then I have to sign contracts, get my dress fitted, figure out what I'm doing for place cards, and how to set up a photo booth. I also have to pretend not to be an introvert at numerous parties and showers between now and then. And finish addressing invitations (and decide who can get added from the wait list), and there are probably other things I have to do, but those are just the things I'm thinking about today.

At the end of it, I'll have an awesome partner though. So it's OK.

Did you know that a lot of money changes hands when you're buying / mentally furnishing a new house, planning a wedding, and booking a honeymoon? And that while you're doing those things, you also have to pay rent and eat food and buy gas?

While we're getting significant help from my parents (that's pretty much the understatement of the century), and definitely planning within our comfort zone, there are a lot of zeroes entering and exiting my bank account. Yikes.

Wish this wasn't #4 on the list, but since we're in a bit of a summer lull it's fallen some. It is the place I spend 40-ish hours a week, though - so it's up there. Also, I've been working on a creative project, which always gets me excited. So whatever is left of my brain after #1-3 is currently occupied by felt board. Lots of felt.

My health.
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis about 6 months ago. While I deal with it every day, I'm currently in a pretty bad flare. Particularly my right pointer finger. It's a weird place to hurt, but it's also a place that you technically use / bend / touch a lot during the day, so I'm pretty constantly aware of it. I think I need to do another (OK, it would technically be my first full) Whole30 to reset, reduce inflammation and shed a few pounds before the wedding dress arrives, but I have notoriously low willpower when it comes to sweets. And pasta.

As you can see, I have a few things on my mind right now. I guess it's time to stop writing and get to doing something about it!