Wednesday, June 17, 2015


There is a lot going on in my head right now.
In the past, the best way to sort it out has been to write / blog about it, and since many of the things going on in my life will be of interest to at least one other person (hi, mom!) - I've decided to put it up here.

Currently taking up space in my brain / stealing my sleep:

New house.
We put an offer on a house last night. I'll know by 5 pm whether they've accepted the offer. I am anxious about this. The house is pretty awesome, but there are always pros and cons between one house and the other. Since we placed an offer within 24 hours of seeing it (and within 4 days of meeting our realtor), things seem to be going pretty quickly.

I am also mentally decorating the house in my sleep. So there's that.

(honeymoon / parties)
Hey, I'm getting married in 115 days! Between now and then I have to sign contracts, get my dress fitted, figure out what I'm doing for place cards, and how to set up a photo booth. I also have to pretend not to be an introvert at numerous parties and showers between now and then. And finish addressing invitations (and decide who can get added from the wait list), and there are probably other things I have to do, but those are just the things I'm thinking about today.

At the end of it, I'll have an awesome partner though. So it's OK.

Did you know that a lot of money changes hands when you're buying / mentally furnishing a new house, planning a wedding, and booking a honeymoon? And that while you're doing those things, you also have to pay rent and eat food and buy gas?

While we're getting significant help from my parents (that's pretty much the understatement of the century), and definitely planning within our comfort zone, there are a lot of zeroes entering and exiting my bank account. Yikes.

Wish this wasn't #4 on the list, but since we're in a bit of a summer lull it's fallen some. It is the place I spend 40-ish hours a week, though - so it's up there. Also, I've been working on a creative project, which always gets me excited. So whatever is left of my brain after #1-3 is currently occupied by felt board. Lots of felt.

My health.
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis about 6 months ago. While I deal with it every day, I'm currently in a pretty bad flare. Particularly my right pointer finger. It's a weird place to hurt, but it's also a place that you technically use / bend / touch a lot during the day, so I'm pretty constantly aware of it. I think I need to do another (OK, it would technically be my first full) Whole30 to reset, reduce inflammation and shed a few pounds before the wedding dress arrives, but I have notoriously low willpower when it comes to sweets. And pasta.

As you can see, I have a few things on my mind right now. I guess it's time to stop writing and get to doing something about it!

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